What goes into your baby photographs?

Custom photography explained

Why is custom newborn photography so expensive? I have seen many of my fellow professional baby photographers justify their prices lately. Just like this ^^. This is a fun way to show what goes into your session, but there is more to professional photography than just how much money we put in camera and lenses, lighting equipment, insurance, props and training.

Time. From the moment I answer your first enquiry to the moment I deliver to you the photographs of your precious newborn, I will have spent hours preparing for your session with you to ensure it is exactly what you had in mind, I will have sourced the props I need to re-create my vision for your images, I will have kept some time off in my diary in case your little one arrives early or late, we will have spent 3 to 4 hours photographing your little bundle and I will have edited, uploaded, held a viewing session and prepared and placed your order. And you know what? I wouldn’t want to do it any other way. I wouldn’t be able to provide the same quality images if I didn’t take the time to settle your baby, make sure they were happy and comfortable, or if I had not spent hundreds of hours training and practising to make sure that your brand new baby is looked after safely, gently and patiently. I want to provide you with bespoke photographs that you will cherish forever and time is the main ingredient for this recipe to be successful.

My clients spend on average what it would cost to purchase a smart phone or an iPad, which end up being replaced after a couple of years, for photographs that they will be able to show their grandchildren in the decades to come.

They grow in the blink of an eye. How will you remember?

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  • harshitaJanuary 18, 2015 - 12:55 am

    I love the article marina. You are so right about pricing. A lot of people dont realise how much efforts we put in a shoot ( props/blankets/hats/headbands and most valuable our time)ReplyCancel

    • marinaJanuary 18, 2015 - 9:16 pm

      Thank you. It is a labour of love isn’t it?ReplyCancel

  • Sally SlackJanuary 18, 2015 - 2:46 pm

    Very well put and a beautiful image.ReplyCancel

    • marinaJanuary 18, 2015 - 9:15 pm

      Thank you Sally!ReplyCancel