One day Mummy, I won’t be this small…

If there was ever a poem that could describe the roots of my love for photography, my need to capture fleeting smiles, silly expressions, delicate baby lashes… it would be this one.

I won’t always cry Mummy
When you leave the room
And my supermarket tantrums
Will end too soon

I won’t always wake Daddy
For cuddles through the night
And one day you will miss
Having a chocolate face to wipe

You won’t always wake to find
My foot kicking you out of bed
Or find me sideways on your pillow
Where you want to lay your head

You won’t always have to carry me
In asleep from the car
Or piggy back me down the road
When my little legs can’t walk that far

So cherish every cuddle, remember them all
One day Mummy, I won’t be this small.

Baby Photography Bath and BristolChildren Photography in Bath and Bristol26

My oldest daughter is starting school in September and my baby is about to turn 1. My mum warned me they grow so fast we could blink and miss it, now I know how true it is and how sad it can feel. I am very much looking forward to helping them along their journey into adulthood and each phase of it is an exciting prospect, but I wish I could go back in time and get a cuddle with my newborn daughters. Whenever I feel like that, I get their baby albums out and I cuddle up with them. We flick through the pages, I answer my inquisitive 4 year old’s questions and we have a good giggle. Inevitably, she will ask for the wedding album (“Show me when you were a princess Mummy!“) and before we know it we will have a whole collection out! Love you to the moon and back my sweethearts!

Poem by “My children mean everything to me“.

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  • MoniqueJune 17, 2014 - 1:39 am

    Brings tears to my eyes because of my growing sons and new little darling girl. Beautiful photo,your girls are precious!ReplyCancel

    • marinaJune 23, 2014 - 9:05 pm

      I know Monique, they grow way too fast. Enjoy your boys and your new little bundle! xReplyCancel